Young Scientists

Trust in (Young) Scientists

Listen to these young scientists and learn more about their work, their questions and why they believe it is important what they are doing.

We produced these four videos together with the Global Young Academy working group “Trust in (Young) Scientists”.

“Worldwide, there are worrying signs of falling trust in scientific knowledge. The denial of climate change, the anti-vaccine movement, and religious rejections of evolutionary biology are some of the most prominent examples, but they might be just the tip of an iceberg. The causes of this development are complex. But in an age of “hyperspecialization” (Millgram 2015), trust in scientific knowledge is essential: people simply cannot have expertise in all the areas that are relevant to their lives.

It seems that one of the core issues of the problem is that the general public often knows very little about why it should trust scientists, and how much work and care go into establishing scientific claims.

This GYA working group starts from the belief that by better explaining how science actually works, and by showing some of the faces behind the anonymous façade of “science”, trust can be regained.”

What do you explore in your research?
How do you generate new ideas?
What kind of obstacles do you face in your research?
What does the scholarly community do to make sure that mistakes are discovered and corrected?

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